Dear Govind, A digital library is organized and structured collection of digital format for further use. A digital library assists its users in searching, evaluating and utilizing resources irrespective of their format. Digital libraries combine collection, services and expertise in a seamless interface.
Permalink Reply by Lata on November 19, 2010 at 15:42
Sir , A Digital libray term - can understand its presence physical and Digital(in working) form for user and helpers within its resources, but a E-library term - is totaly online service to their users , services and helps are same but online. on web.
Lata Tewari
A digital library is organized and structured collection of digital objects in a distributed environment. A digital library assists its users in searching, evaluating and utilizing resources irrespective of their format. Digital libraries combine collection, services and expertise in a seamless interface.
An electronic library is a library consisting of electronic materials and services. Electronic materials can include all digital materials, as well as a variety of analog formats that require electricity to use. For example, video tapes are an analog format that requires electronic equipment to view. Thus the term "electronic library" encompasses all the material that can be held by a "digital library", and is therefore more inclusive. It is, however, out of style.