Dear VIpin, for the understanding of Knowledge Consortia, firstly you have to know about Consortia.
A Consortium: A consortium is an association of a group of organizations, which are come together for achieving the common objective. The basic aim to formulate of consortia for resources sharing and save the budget for the development of organization.
knowledge consortia: When organizations share ideas, knowledge or experience between business units or from a company to its customer, the seeds of prosperity take root through social development, economic growth and job creation.
Knowledge Consortia: is a community of business owners, entrepreneurs, consultants and independent contractors interested in fueling the growth of small businesses through the open exchange of sharing ideas, knowledge and expertise.
The Knowledge Consortia gathers organizations and companies with leading activities in publishing, education, research, and consulting in scientific fields, Knowledge Consortium may also produce services and products.
In others words Knowledge Consortia is knowledge Sharing.
We all LIS professional known, that knowledge is power but, the ability to access knowledge and use it to grow and expand a business can be costly. it can defined as, effective sharing of ideas, knowledge, or experience between units of a company or from a company to its customers. here need arise of KC
Lack of financial resources of organizations, it made easy by ICT.