Academic Performance Indicators Based on PERFORMANCE BASED APPRAISAL SYSTEM to be submitted by each applicant for appointment as per UGC Regulations,2010.
Let me know the what type of information to be filled in requisite performa issued by various universities with the application form for recruitment of Librarian and Assistant Librarian.
I am working in private Law college. There is no system of submitting performance appraisal to the management, however the management observe and asses my day to day activities and on the basis of past performance they award us annual increment.
Our college library has inspected by the member of Bar Council of India alongwith University of Lucknow from time to time, they check the proper system of library, records & books and ask the questions related to keepup of library after then they put their signatures on the records and registers and they pass the remark to the concern authorities.
beside my Librarian job, management is also assign from time to time other administrative responsibilities.
therefore I want to know what type of detailed information should be submitted.