Most members of “LIS Links” may have questions related to the continuity of “LIS Links” site. Let me clear your doubt with little insight into the facts and figures.
The LIS Links site currently have more than 4,000 members, its total subscribers is 6500+. Besides these, the site monthly receives 13,547 Absolute Unique Visitors, 128,192 Pageviews with 00:05:47 Time on Site. This is the statistics related to only the parent site, if we count the statistics of all sites, it will be quite a big number!
To lower our cost towards hosting service and bandwidth, we are imposing some restriction towards uploading of image by the members. Further, periodically we are throwing out some outdated and low used contents from the site. So, to avoid the loss of your data and information I request you to kindly keep a backup of all your contributions towards the “LIS Links” site especially if you are contributing towards photo, blog, and event.