The conventions establishing the WIPO was signed at Stockholm in 1967 and entered into force in 1970. it is one of the special agencies of the UN. This organization is meant for promoting the IPRs and ensuring its efficient administration by creating co-operation among the member states. it also encourages the member sates to enter into new treaties, for suggesting changes in their municipal laws for raising the adaptability with IPRs. the WIPO is also responsible for creative intellectual property for giving thrust to economic, social and cultural development of the member states. There are three major functions of WIPO:
1. Registration activities.
2. Promotion of inter governmental co-operation.
3. Substantive or programme activities.
Like any other specialized agency of the UN , only states can be members of WIPO. The membership is open to any state which is a member of any of the unions. The general assembly of WIPO can also invite any state to become a member.