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Hello everyone,
Kindly suggest me some good books for KVS Exams
Best Book of KVS Librarian Recruitment Exam
This comprehensive book is specially developed for the candidates of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS)—Librarian Recruitment Exam. This book is developed as per the Revised Pattern, includes Previous Papers (Solved) for the purpose of practice of questions based on the latest pattern of the examination. Detailed Explanatory Answers have also been provided for the selected questions for Better Understanding of the Candidates.
any one applied and Please tell me how ti apply old candidates..
Read well advt.
Old candidate no need to apply again
Just update details
Is there latest edition is available?
If it is there,
Provide the link to purchase it.
Thanks sir.
Dear Veeresh Pathri
Our book is published in year 2017 and it is most update and latest edition and you can buy it in both Amazon and Flipkart as well as Atlantic Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi and a short description of this book is herewith, according to UGC prescribed NET syllabus, the book is divided into eleven chapters along with Appendices as:
(1) Information, Communication and their Properties
(2) Library and Society
(3) Information Sources and Services
(4) Reference, Information and Referral Services
(5) Organization of Information and Knowledge
(6) Library Management
(7) Academic Libraries and their Kinds and Services
(8) Library Automation
(9) Research Methodology
(10) Information Technology
(11) Miscellaneous Questions
a. Appendices:
i. Abbreviations
ii. Abstracts, Index, Bibliographies, Proceedings
iii. Catalogue Codes and their Inventors
iv. Classification Schemes and their Inventors
v. Citation Manuals
vi. Date of Conference, Established, Foundation
vii. Encyclopedia, Yearbook, Glossaries, Dictionaries, etc.
viii. Famous Persons in Library & Information Science and their Works
ix. Frequency of Publications
x. Headquarters
xi. ICT Tools, Terminologies, Computer Languages and their Developers, Creators, etc
xii. Indexing Systems, Subject Headings, Thesaurus
xiii. Library Associations
xiv. Committees, Commissions
xv. List of Important Books, Publishing Year and their Publishers
xvi. Public Library Act in Indian States
xvii. Year of First Print/Launched
In Flipkart it is showing two books varying 2017,2018 released books.
Price is also different
.Which book Shall I purchase?
Dear Veeresh Pathri
Both are same book but first (Rs 450.00) is PB edition and second (Rs 900.00) is HB edition of the same.
you can also buy it at Amazon in Rs 404.00 (PB)+delivery charge (The link is
K sir.
Thanks you
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KVS Non Teaching Posts Librarian Exam Books 2018
KVS Teachers (TGT) - Librarian Guide: Recruitment Exam
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