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Can we consider primary sources always authentic?

Can we consider primary sources authentic source of Information?

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Dear Ms. Namrata Joshi,

Thanks for your post and addressing quite a complex issue.

In one way, the primary sources, as, say, articles in periodicals or Conference Proceedings,

where the original works are generally presented/reported for the first time by person(s) originally created it. In this sense it can be regarded to be authentic. By the way, I am using the word Authentic to mean its accuracy or that the reportage is Perfect or correct

However, it can always happen (& quite naturally, especially for experimental research) that the process/technique/formulation etc. etc.during experimentation (&/or analysis) might be faulty or erroneous. As such, as you can easily understand the inference or the reportage itself should be erroneous!! As such, it was not not authentic in the sense that it is not correct!! In many Scientific Research such first reports were later found to be incorrect!!

So it implies that answer to your query can be answered as YES & NO at the same time!!


Siddhartha Shankar Ray

thanks for reply sir!

I am still confused ,because i am totally agree with the information in given link

please see the link.


Your question is bit amusing!.  It is like asking someone - can truth be trusted or believed not be lie!!?

Primary sources are the original sources. They provide first-hand testimony or direct evidence concerning a topic under investigation. They are created by witnesses or recorders who experienced the events or conditions being documented. Often these sources are created at the time when the events or conditions are occurring.  Primary sources can include autobiographies, memoirs,manuscripts, tablets, stone inscriptions, coins etc. that leads to  information of some form for that matter.

These sources have to be authentic always.  No one can question or dispute this.

Dear sir!

thks for your reply but please see the link below,

thank you!

You should have then made the context of your question very clear to  everybody to elicit specific answers from them!


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