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National Conference on "Transforming Libraries: Synergy between Accreditation, Technology and Academic Excellence" at CMS Business School, Next to Holiday Inn, Sheshadri Road, Gandhinagar, Bangalore.

May 23, 2025 at 9am to May 24, 2025 at 5pm
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The Library and Information Centre at CHRIST, Bangalore, is organizing the Faculty Development Programme-2025 on "Advanced Practices and Emerging Technologies in New Era Libraries". at The Library and Information Centre at CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore

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Feb 27

Status of School Librarian in ICSE / CBSE School

Dear all LIS Professionals,

I want to know whether Librarians considered as a Teaching staff or Non-teaching staff in a ICSE/CBSE School. Please answer to clear my doubt.


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 I think non teaching staff .Does not consider school librarian as teaching staff.By the way, school, college, university, librarian is considered as non-teaching staff only.

teaching staff as per cbse norms

Sir can you please give any proof of this?

I mean any circular / order or anything like this?


refer page no 22 

status of Librarian

Thanks for sharing sir, but this is not an official document.

You can find it on cbse official website.

Post of librarians in CBSE schools falls under non-teaching staff( Admin Staff). But they are categorised as Miscellaneous Teacher equivalent to PRT TGT and PGT.

The librarian is completely TEACHING STAFF in the academic system of our country. But some factors are responsible for arising this controversy of teaching and non teaching staff. 

1. Designation :

The status and cadre of librarian has been a controversial topic in the academic circle of our country. The most probable reason seems to be the image of old librarian still lingers on in the present society. Library profession is insufficiently recognized in our society. In olden times, a person who is low educated could be considered fit to the work as a librarian.

2. Cadre : 

Person working anywhere is librarian whether it is a public library, school library, college library, university library, special library, research institution, digital library, e-library and so on. All the designations are "librarian and librarian".. 

3. Image Perception :

The famous character of Librarian is featured in the movie “Main, Meri Patni aur Woh” released
in 2005. The Character Mithlesh is a University Librarian, In the movie he is called “Chhotey Babu”. Try to remember the character of Dubey Ji in the Movie “3 Idiots” released in 2009. In this movie the Principal does not know that who is the librarian of the college? The character of Dubey Ji is a stereotype and one can clearly see the old image of librarians wearing Kurta-Paijama, wearing glasses, depressed and confused man. These two characters - Dubey ji and Chhote Babu are the character of perception.

4. Re-designation :

Designation of Librarian is not appropriate in present changing ICT era as the role and responsibility of librarian is completely changed since last two decades. The designation of the post of "Librarian" should be reviewed in the present ICT Scenario. Other departments used to review and change the designation of various posts from time to time as per the need and demand on the basis of work, responsibility, nature of work, status, cadre etc.

Dear all LIS Professionals,

I want to know whether Librarians considered as a Teaching staff or Non-teaching staff in a ICSE/CBSE School. Please answer to clear my doubt.

Is there any circular?

Dear all LIS Professionals,

I want to know whether Librarians considered as a Teaching staff or Non-teaching staff in a ICSE/CBSE School. Please answer to clear my doubt.

Non-teaching staff on paper but expected to do teaching (?) in the class along with circulation duties. In some schools, Librarian's are also asked to take G.K. classes and work as part-time receptionists !  


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