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Type of Working Institute
Annamalai University

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  • Dr. Badan Barman

    Dear KUMAR,
    1. We cannot use ning without direct payment from us, they will not consider advertisement over the site, they want you do advertise, and pay them what they are demanding.
    2. If you go through our whole sites, you can easily know that most of the free solutions that are available for free will not server our need. We have different aims and objectives.
    3. We can have our own domain, but we need our own hosting also. Domain will hardly cost Rs. 500- per year. But hosting will demand some amount and most importantly we have to invest a huge amount for bandwidth. advertisement over the site will not meet that much of money. We have to meet the cost from advertisemtn we have to display more than three ads over the site. it will make the site look something different.
  • Dr. Badan Barman

    I am glad to know that you are ready to take the responsibility of the site. But to be frank after going through your profile page, i having doubt regarding your ability to manage such a site. I am not overlooking anyone, even junior can do what senior cannot. But can i see any of your work/website/blog/or any publication or any thing that helps me to know you better.
  • Dr. Badan Barman

    Today i visited all of your blog and website. Its good to see the things you are doing. No doubt you are above the average. But why so much advertisement over all your blog and sites? We cannot go for that.
    One more thing, i think you are not going for search engine optimization and marketing effort. Even your DNS was not showing any consistent structure and in the last I hope you will improved day by day.
    Button line: You can think to club all your site into one.