Dr. O Seshaiaih


Andhra Pradesh


Profile Information:

Type of Working Institute
Employment Type
Your Highest Qualification in Library and Information Science
Name of the Indian State of Official Address
Andhra Pradesh
Name of the Indian State of Permanent Residential Address
Andhra Pradesh

Comment Wall:

  • P. Nagaraj

    hello o. seshaiah how are you , my name p.nagaraj , I have Studies with you in svu .Pls send your Mail ID & phone number

  • B. Prasada Rao

    Dear Sir,

    I am B. Prasada Rao, is working as a Library Assistant in Yogi Vemana Univerisity, Kadapa, AP. Recently we have installed SOUL 2.0 software for our library. Our library's book collection is nearly 50000 books are available in accession register which is in excel sheet.

    I request to you sir, How to upload this excel data to SOUL 2.0. software.