Dr. Tarvinder Singh Handa


Rupnagar, Punjab


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Your Highest Qualification in Library and Information Science
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  • Dr. Tapas Kumar Ghosh

    Concerned Minister replied in Lok Sabha that items discussed in NAC meeting have largely been resolved except a few.  7th CPC has already been announced by the present govt. It would be better if the union leadership pursue to the appropriate authority to issue govt order regarding up-gradation of GP of SLIAs/ LIAs to Rs.4600/- as agreed upon/recommended by NAC.

  • Dr. Tapas Kumar Ghosh

    Can we not try to urge for up-gradation of the library scales based on qualification (MLIS/M.Phil/Ph.D) and experience (yrs of service) etc to 7th CPC through proper platforms like Central Govt Union or Library Association from now ? You have so many links so far I understand. Please think something well in advance.

    Thanks a lot.....


    Greetings from Manipal University Jaipur, India.  We are very happy to inform you that the Central Library of Manipal University of Jaipur, India jointly with University of Dubai is organizing an ONLINE International Conference on Knowledge Management in Higher E...during 11-12 April 2022.