Medha Joshi


Mumbai, Maharashtra


Profile Information:

Type of Working Institute
1979, Univ. of mumbai

Comment Wall:

  • Dr.Durga Prasad

    Goodmorning Mam welcome to LIS Professional Links
  • Deepak Shukla

    Goodmorning mam
  • sabita Biswal

    Hello madam
    Your profile is very high profile
    Mam, plz give me some basic idea about writing a article
  • sabita Biswal

    thanks mam for responding my mail. Actually I want to do something related to public libraries of berhampur(Orissa) . These libraries are not computerised. So I'm interested to work,

    1. Is it possible to automated these libraries?
    2. Who 'll responsible for that?
    3. From which source the fund ll collect?
    4. Are the users have any responsibilily towards this matter?

    Plz give me some suggestion about this topic n from where I'll collect materials , I'm confused , bcoz its my first attempt.
    Thanks mam
  • Ganesh

    medam how r u
  • Ganesh

    ur photo appear not correct
  • Ganesh

    which digital library software u use medam
  • Ganesh

    medam how r u
  • Ganesh

    why said to me thanks medam
  • Ganesh

    which library software running in ur library medam
  • Ganesh

    how r u
  • Ganesh

    Medem I wish to do the Mphil from Abedkar Open university. Is it valid or not
  • Ganesh

    Medam which books are best books to follow for NET Exam. plz tell me
  • Devendra Singh

    Hello madam, very nice half photo of u. Just joking , I am preparing for MPhil for Global Open University. Is it Valid or not, Pls guide me.
    Thank you
  • Ganesh

    Happy Birthday to u medam
  • Dr. Badan Barman

    Online Alumni Association of S.H.P.T School of Library Science of S.N.D.T Women's University
    All alumni, including students and teachers of S.H.P.T School of Library Science of S.N.D.T Women's University are requested to join over “Online Alumni Association of S.H.P.T School of Library Science of S.N.D.T Women's University”: .

    Please also forward this message to at least two non member of the group but alumni of S.H.P.T School of Library Science to make it a reality.
  • Ketki Bhatia

    Friendship Daisies
  • Jay Jani

    hello mam,

    how r u?
  • Medha Joshi

    thank you , i am fine.
  • pawan singh

    hello mam
  • Pulkaram Ramesh

    All my dear Friends
  • sabita Biswal

    dear mam ,
    please give me some idea about new titles of my Ph.D. Though I'm working in a pharmacy college, I'm interested to do something related to pharmacy or medical base topics.
  • Medha Joshi

    dear Sabita

    well have you zeroed on a topic for research , becasue that is what decides the title. or are you asking for suggestions on research topics. generally you should lookforward to topics that would answer your problems at work. these can be related to - collection developement, learning skills, resources and management and barriers, impact of e resoruces on academics, user behaviours in environment, user behavior while using resources esp. electronic , IPR related, or how faculty / student infomration needs, how users manage information, i mean so many there are but what is your interest, and how well can you percieve the studyat your institte, whether you woudl like to cover a geographicall area is also what you must think

    tobegin identify the are on res needs in pahrmacy colleges as regards to library and information sc. , thisone step will lead to another in decidign res topis.

    too much of my talk ins't it?

    bye best wishes

    medha joshi
  • Mohamed Musthafa. K

    Madam i am doing PhD on Electronic publishing in India. can u please send me a copy of your article '“E- Publishing” by M V Joshi, Indian Journal of Social Work, Vol. 65(1): 126-140, Jan. 2004. i will be so thankful to you.

    Mohamed Musthafa.
    DLIS, AMU, Aligahr
  • Mohamed Musthafa. K

    madam thanks for your reply, take your own time.. .. looking for your mail..
    pls send it to
  • D.R. Yadav

    thanks for invitation

    D.R. Yadav
  • kamlakar dhabale

    hello mam can you tel me any subject for Phd,
    mam plz help me