Manoj Kumar


H.No. 65, Village + Post- Morta, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh


Profile Information:

Type of Working Institute
Employment Type
Your Highest Qualification in Library and Information Science
Master Degree
Name of the Indian State of Official Address
Uttar Pradesh
Name of the Indian State of Permanent Residential Address
Uttar Pradesh

Comment Wall:

  • gurmeet kaur

    Good Morning Manoj. Thanx
  • soni singh

    hi manoj sir hw r u? i m fine and nothing special is going on in my studies. just taken addmission in MLIS. so its just d starting. so tell me more. whats up?
  • Namrata joshi

    good morning sir!!
  • Pandu Rangaswamy

    Hi Manoj Sir,
    Recently am working in KOHA.
    In Serials Module i am not able to enter Journal Issues please let me explain the below questions.
    How we can enter loose issues.
    How we can Search the Journal Issues/B.Volume etc
    How we can create the periodicity for a particular journal.
  • Manpreet kaur

    good morning sir............i m assistant librarian...........
  • Pallavi Neog

    How r u Sir???Sory 4 d late reply.if m nt wrong i think u hav gone through my pics in facebook???yup those r pics of Barapani,Shillong,,,very scenic place

    fine, what about you.

    going to submit my M.phil thesis.

    all is well.