47, Female



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Comment Wall:

  • Pandu Rangaswamy

    This is Pandu rangaswamy doing M.Phil in LIS Topic is E-Resources utilization in academic libraries: a study.
    Please help me in this regard and share your experiance on this will help me a lot in my research work and also if you have any related questionnaire or articals please send to my email id
    Thank you
  • saravana

    Welcome Madam to the LIS Links..
  • Dr. Phugnar Prashant Laxmanrao

    hi nimisha
    i am ph. d student and western india is my research area. so can you tell me how meny ph. d theses in Gujrat universities give me these no pre university
    thanking you
  • Dharmendra N. Trivedi

    Hi Nimisha

    How r u?
    where r u?

    How is your life?

    As i m in Baroda.
  • Dharmendra N. Trivedi

    Ok.... Good ...

    Pl. Send your mobile number. So we can call each other.
    I have one girl. She is in 3rd Std.
  • Dharmendra N. Trivedi

    You can call on my mobile 9427468683
  • Dr. Rajpal Purohit

    welcome for friendship?