Pankaj Makwana


surendranagar, gujarat


Profile Information:

Type of Working Institute
Saurashtra University
Your Highest Qualification in Library and Information Science
Master Degree
Name of the Indian State of Permanent Residential Address

Comment Wall:

  • Anilkumar Jadav

    Hello Pankaj,
    Just for ur Knowledge

    I would like to know the difference between a
    virtual library and a digital library.

    A Digital Library is a repository of information in digital form, ie. Stored as
    data files on a computer. It is also the tool-set provided to enable search and
    retrieval of the repository.

    The term "Electronic Library" is often used to mean much the same thing.

    Another term frequently heard is "Virtual Library", which refers to a collection
    of resources available on one or more computer systems, where a single interface
    or entry point to the collections is provided. The key point being that the user
    need not know where particular resources are located -- the location is
  • Anilkumar Jadav

    Hi.. Pankaj

    Renish Parsania is your friend hi is service in Kendriya Vidhyalaya- Kerala
  • Mr. Bharat Sondarva

    Job in School Librarian
    Svaminarayan school Bhuj
    Sandesh New Paper Date :30/09/2009
  • Dr. Badan Barman

    There is some problem in approving your blog post. however it was circulated through email among the subscribers. If you want the post to reappear please consider it for circulation again.
    Sorry for the inconvenience cause to you.
  • Dr. Badan Barman

    Sir, job posting are not allowed over this platform. you can only post it over . Thats too if it was not publised earlier. We avoid duplication in very strict sense.
  • Ramkali

    hi pankaj, h r u
  • Hetal Kalariya

    Hi, pankaj. How are you. still are you job in gandhinagar?
  • Hetal Kalariya

    hi, pankah. you are work in ipr as a library trainee or library assistant.