Ajay Kamble


Mumbai, Maharashtra


Profile Information:

Type of Working Institute
March 2002

Comment Wall:

  • Dr. Badan Barman

    You at Maharashtra Librarians Online Study Circle and myself at this platform are doing same kind of thing. I think we both should collaborate to provide one unique platform to the readers to know what are the coming seminars, workshop and jobs as well as other information. I thing it will be good idea if you post the latest happening in the subjects over our blogs and provide links from your Maharashtra Librarians Online Study Circle categories to this rather again giving another platform for the readers to check. (I am ready to give you the collaboration privileges to our works and all your members.. if some one desire) In simple I am simply waiting for your words..
  • Dr. Badan Barman

    Your words just make me a fan of you…. Thanks so much. Yes there defiantly should be one force only. After all we have not the right to waste the valuable online time from our own professional colleagues to update their own knowledge base by crossing through duplicate massage all the time. I have added you as collaborator in our blogs please do accept it and also please try to avoid cross posting (For example if there are seminar announcement then post it only in the seminar blog (that also by making a check whether the same massage is posted earlier or not, if the announcement regarding job is there then only post in the blog for job and so on, I hope you will understand).
  • Vijay Rahane


    Librarian Post

    Pune vidharty gruha
    Institute of Management
    Mahsural ,Nashik

    Todays Sakal News Papes Details Information
  • kamlakar dhabale

    hello sir
    i am workiung as pro .asst. in social work collage.
    i want inf. about online journels and subscrib forign journels on social field
    please healp me