Deepak Shukla


New Delhi


Profile Information:

Type of Working Institute
Your Highest Qualification in Library and Information Science
Name of the Indian State of Permanent Residential Address

Comment Wall:

  • Ashish Kumar Shukla

    hai gud after noon sir h r u ..........
  • Smita Dixit

    Hello deepak,
    h r u.i am Smita Dixit, Librarian of Choithram hospital and research centre.
  • O. P. Saini

    Thanks bhai for joining me as friend !! hope long term professional relationshop
  • Ashok Bhatt

    Respected Sir Good Afternoon, Nice to see your profile. Thanx to add me as ur friend. Thanks for always being there when I need you.
  • Ashish Kumar Shukla

    i m fine sir.............i m no come to iilm conf.
  • Ranjit Kaur

    thnx sir
  • Ramchandra

    I am fine thank you I am sorry to say that I will not be able to attend the conference due to lack of staff and madam my boss is presenting paper in the conference .Hope you understand my problems o k bye take care
  • Navin Kumar Soni

    May be yes. are u using Newgenlib for lib auto. of any other s/w
  • Ravi Sharma

    I M FINE, HOW R U.
  • Suman Sharma

    m fine....wat about u?
  • Sharmila Bose Majumder


    welcome !
  • Suman Sharma

    oh ok..
    nyways m suman......also from delhi
  • Puspha Dhyani

    gudmr h r u plz hepl me if u have any oppruchunity than conselt with me
  • Puspha Dhyani

    hi,good morning how are u?
  • Dr.Dharam vir singh

    hi,thanks for email
  • Ramesh V. Salve

    thanks a lot, keep in touch

    Ramesh Salve
  • Ranjit Kaur

    i m fyn sir sory for delay in gvng response aur aap kaise hain sir is thr smthng new
  • Dr.Durga Prasad

    Thanks Sir
  • Dr.Durga Prasad

    Hi sir i am fine here may hope .....
    Plz sir join my group SGIT & Uttrakhand LIs Professional