

Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh


Profile Information:

Type of Working Institute
1984, Sri Venkateswara University

Comment Wall:

  • Pandu Rangaswamy

    This is Pandu rangaswamy doing M.Phil in LIS Topic is E-Resources utilization in academic libraries: a study.
    Please help me in this regard and share your experiance on this topic.it will help me a lot in my research work and also if you have any related questionnaire or articals please send to my email id
    Thank you
  • R J Maurya

    hellow madam
    myself R J Maurya, Asst Librarian In UP Rajarshi Tandon Open University
    nice to see your profile on LISLINK
  • Dr. Badan Barman

    I have consulted the "Directory of Distance Education Journals (DDEJ). You have undertook a wonderful job. I must congratulate you.. Thanks a ton.. I have some suggestions over the implementation of the project. In due course of time i will be glad to share my thought with you..
  • prahaladaraomungara

    kindly refer to what is research ? what areas in lis suits for this. But lis as profession people with diverse backgrounds are available. Just ot bring add to your ideas again selection of the topics depends on the cadidate as well as his ability to conduct research.
  • prahaladaraomungara

    Even lis also requires research in challenging fields and academic community may kindly take a clue . From mere theories,surveys, etc let us go for more practical aspects/ topics in the profession so that the younger generation feel that all seniors are great.