Rajendra Kumar Panda


Brahmapur, Orissa


Profile Information:

Type of Working Institute
Utkal University
Your Highest Qualification in Library and Information Science
Master Degree
Name of the Indian State of Permanent Residential Address

Comment Wall:

  • Dr Pawan Kumar Gupta

    Dear Mr Panda, Where are u now a days? I do remember u. There are only a few persons from Orissa I know. One is K C Sahoo, others are Mr Panda in Sambalpur University, and Swain at Banasthali.
    Do write about you , your current location (was it in South somewhere?) etc. My e-mail is pawan.jp@gmail.com.

  • S.L.Faisal

    Dear Sir,
    Commissioner is also visiting our school in the 4th week of April.