Dipak Kumar Khuntia


Bhubaneswar, Orissa


Profile Information:

Type of Working Institute
Utkal University, 1989

Comment Wall:

  • Ashish Kumar Shukla

    Dipak babu kana khabar
  • Dr. Badan Barman

    You are most welcome to our social network. Please don’t forget to click on the “Main” button above the page, to know what we are doing in the LIS in India right now. The pages are updated daily. So it’s my humble request to you to check the pages as frequently as possible. You can also subscribe the latest posting to your Email. For details consult the Services of LIS Links.
  • sushreeta deb

    hello sir
    me doin fine. hw r u???

    sir Pls inform when will be call for NET exam, u have any idea of this exams, and any qp is there.
  • Ashish Kumar Shukla

    Bhaina, ghara kanpur hele kana hela, orissa re thili 3 varsa....ama office re jane odiya achhanti. keep in touch on ncsipradhan@gmail.com
  • Ashish Kumar Shukla

    add me as a friend
  • sushreeta deb

    c m handling all research kinds of work. like helpin readers. research scholars in their topic where they want to research. m helping those also u r on the way to write a book, n apart frm that all library activities