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What should be the evaluation criterial for technical processing section in a library?

We all know that library is a system, contains different sections, technical processing section is one of the section in a library, if we want to evaluate the technical processing section for the development of the performance, what criteria we should follow, is there any standard criteria available for that?

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If you want to evaluate the technical processing section for the development of the performance. There are following criteria you can adopt for the performance for said ques.
1. Evidence of productivity and efficiency in divisional operations and use of “best practices.”
2. Evidence of personal productivity and good problem solving skills.
3. Evidence of staff support and cooperation.
4. Evidence of good communications skills.
5. Evidence of knowledge of current trends and changing technology in the areas of the technical services and of library automation.

Akhtar Hussain
It's very good suggestion AKHTER sir!! and thanks to Seha ji for adding such a nice topic.

One more aspect, adequacy and standard of number of staff should also be considered keeping with the view of number of books processed and overall collection of the library.
Thanks for the reply.
no standard criteria available for that but i thank the interaction with user as well as the particular staff member & then librarian positive view is the best idea for the development of the performance.
Thanks for your reply.


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