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Types of Awards instituted by ALA and LA for Professional Achievement.

Dear Friends,

Find herewith the different types of Awards instituted by ALA and LA

                  Different Types of Awards Instituted by ALA and LA

  1. Melvil Dewey Award instituted by ALA for creative professional achievement.
  2. For outstanding reference work the award instituted by Library Association is Mc Colvin Medal.
  3. For outstanding indexthe award launched by Library Association, U.K is Wheatley Medal.
  4. Joseph W.Lippincott Award is presented to the Librarians for outstanding participation in professional Library association.
  5.  For Outstanding contribution in the field of classification , FID instituted an award in honour of Dr.S.R.Ranganathan.
  6. Kaula Gold Medal, a major international award, is presented for outstanding contribution in librarianship and documentation.
  7. Clearance Day Award, instituted by ALA for promoting love for books and reading.
  8. Carnegie Medal instituted by Library Association for outstanding book for children.
  9. A citation and Medal awarded by ALA for outstanding contribution to Library service for blind is Campbell citation.
  10. Bester man Medal, lunched by Library Association for outstanding work in the field of bibliography.
  11. For achievement in cataloguing and classification ALA has instituted an award in honour of Margaret Manu.
  12. Aurianne Award, established in 1956, by ALA is awarded for Best book an animal life.
  13. A cash award presented to library school faculty for making important contribution to education for librarian ship is Beta Phi Mu Award.
  14. “Journal of information Science” is the journal for which ISI offers annually an award to the author for the best paper published.

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Very informative information Mala, Keep it up

Thank you mam...

great work done mala...keep it up this is really very useful information for all aspirants.

Thank you ...Sid


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