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Stock verification by librarian alone is acceptable or not

Dear friends,

please tell me whether stock verification should be conducted by committee or by librarian himself ?

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madam stock verification should  be done by the committee members. i am working in NIFT

Every year we are doing stock verification selected faculty mermbers by the library committee and Director  .Faculty mermbers only make the final missing books report and submitted to the higher authority and send our Head office.but the committe doing all this  work with supervision of the Head Librarian and library professionals.But some private colleges the management descion is the final.

kanaka sri kundrapu

NIFT hyderbad

Dear Mam

stack verification should be conducted in presence of elected persons by authority or authority members.

If you will done it yourself then it may possible that they not accept this report.So it should be completed in presence of committee members.


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