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Stock Register or Accession Register are both same or not.If not then what is difference between  Stock Register or Accession Register,please give me the answer . 



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simply stock register use for all kinds store shopes and accession only use for books in library

stock register for stock anything by accesion register for register of books to particular library

if we use stock reg. in library we have to enter everything we purchase for library including books arranged in alphabetical order but in accession register we enter only book  

Stock Register: Books Collection for the Per Title & Other Stock Table, Cher, Other Stationary, rack, Almira & Other Item.

stock register having the all details of ur holdings like computer,printer,funiture,- movable or immovable things, but Accession register having the all details of ur holding of books etc. one more specific identity of stock register is it has quantitive information like  5 computer, 3printer etc, but if u want to create a stock register about ur books that u will write a title and the quantity of that title like information technnology-s k sharma- kamal pub, quantity -5. its means we can also maintain stock register in library and if any books will theft, dameged than we can reduce that books in stock register. 

The differences have been explained by now. Tell a lie to the management saying accession register is the stock register. If the management insists and all other departments maintain stock registers then open one for other items.

thank you very much to all of you for giving your valuable answer to me .



Stock Register is a register maintained by the Stores in charge to record all the receipts and issues of the stock items. The given format is typical stock register. .

The Accession Register is a document made to last. It should be bound so that the pages cannot be easily removed and should be in hardback format to ensure its durability. The information it contains should be written in good quality ink and, as far as possible, on acid-free archive-quality paper.


Actually Stock Register is not the word of Library terminology, but the Accession Register is  the technical term of LIS. Like other department or office Library can also keep the stock Register for keeping the record of other items like equipment, furniture & fixtures. Stock Register should not compulsorily hold the record of periodicals. Periodical Register has it's own format, differ from the stock register.

Accession Register is a record keeping the records of book purchase by the institute library

and stock register is a record keeping the record of material use in daily routine work such as, tonner, CDROM,chairs table ,book Cards Pocket,slip and other libray materials


From accession register we get the information about  total number of books in the library . if I want to know the total quantity of particular subject of the books then what should I do. Should I maintain different register .



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