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Source of information-conventional, non-conventional, neo-conventional & meta document

Dear friends

Please explain what is meant by conventional, non-conventional, neo-conventional & meta document.

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S. R. Ranganathan Classification: Based on the physical characteristics of documents S. R. Ranganathan classified documentary sources of information into four categories. These also reflect the chronological order of their development. They are:

i) Conventional: Books, periodicals, Map etc.;

ii) Neo Conventional: Standards, specification, patent etc.;

iii) Non Conventional: Audio visual, microcopy etc.;

iv) Meta Document: Direct records unmediated by human mind.

sir, but in the 2004 UGC NET solved paper Question number 36.  the given different answer.  Can you check that one. 

Link here:

Dear Thippeswamy,

Thanks for pointing out the mistakes.

This will be corrected in no time.

The necessary modifications are done. Thanks for your feedback.

Tq u


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