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While revising NET / syllabus , there is need to review the existing issues of library professionals holding same levels of degrees & NET/SET/SLET with common selection method at entry levels in universities / colleges but many of them are not availing unified promotions timely ( Under CAS ) at par with Assistant Professors/ Associate Professors / Professors of teaching cadre.
however looking to the CAS promotional system, there is need to revise nomenclature of Assistant Librarian /Deputy Librarian /Librarian into Assistant Professor/ Associate Professor / Professor (Library and Information Services ) to get equal participation of teachers cum library professionals with common time bound promotion system to get common post of Dean / Director / Dy. Director etc . There is also need of include regular non credit courses / classes of Library and Information Services (LIS ) in college / university education system . More emphasis should be given to Digital Library Resource Learning Center replacing conventional physical libraries . In context to novo resource fabric ( conventional/digital both ) of library system , there is need to make use of library resource fabric with innovative ,efficient and effective services by library educationists / professionals & service providers in academic / R&D organizations.

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