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where we can use Outsourcing in Library Science filed? In which section the term Outsourcing may be applicable?
Outsourcing is contracting with another company or person to do a particular function. Almost every organization outsources in some way. Typically, the function being outsourced is considered non-core to the business outsourcing has been around as long as work specialization has existed, in recent history, companies began employing the outsourcing model to carry out narrow functions, such as payroll, billing and data entry. Those processes could be done more efficiently, and therefore more cost-effectively, by other companies with specialized tools and facilities and specially trained personnel.
Here is a list of library functions identified as having been outsourced by law libraries or their organizations
For detai regarding this you can catch the link
Dear Madam,
you reply to outsourcing is simply great as you cover all areas in the points. Thank you very much. Definately any one can write answer on broad question on University Libraries outsourching question recently asked in SET Exam.
thank you prachi
Thank you Very Much from your valuable suggestion.
Thanking You,
Mahesh N M
hello friends,
It looks interesting, it can help out the professional to get part time job,who can not afford full time job and want to stay in touch. kindly tell me how we can get information regarding outsourcing requirement from libraries. byee
very usefull mam ..
Dear Mahesh,
Outsourcing is contracting out a particular function to another outside person or agency by an organisation. The most popular example in the field of libraries is the binding or repair of worn our reading materials or backvolumes of periodicals. As not all the libraries have binding section, therefore they hire binders from outside to do the binding work.
Some of the other possible areas for outsourcing in a library could be as follows:
Library automation: As most of the libraries purchase Library softwares from some outside agencies and also do an Annual maintainace Contract (AMC).
Technical processing: In some western countries, Libraries ask vendors to supply shelf ready materials(i.e. Classified, catalogued and leabel pasting done alongwith MARC records) so that the materials could be directly entered into their Library Management Software. Similarly there are individuals and agencies which carry out classification and actaloguing for the libraries.
Periodical subscription: As you all know libraries generally subscribe especially foreign journals through subscription agents. This is again another type of outsourcing in which subscription agencies subscribe the periodicals on behalf of libraries. Another type is acqisition through consortia.
Cleaning and maintainace operations: The cleaning and maintainace operations could be outsourced to some service provider.
I think the above examples will give you a fair picture of possible areas of outsourcing in the libraries.
Thank you Very Much from your valuable suggestion.
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