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Two day Workshop on Koha on 14-15 December 2024. at KLA Head Quarters, Room No. 36, II Floor, Kairalie Plaza Annexe, Karamana–Killippalam NH, Karamana PO, Thiruvananthapuram–695002. Kerala

December 14, 2024 to December 15, 2024
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Dec 3
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Nov 28
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Nov 28




This section content of two easy type of Question of 20 Marks. Each to be answered in about 500 words

(1) Discuss the role of National Knowledge Commission (NKC) in the growth & development of libraries and information centers? Describe it recommendations with regard to libraries


Enumerate various communication models. Discuss Shannon and Weaver’s communication?

(2) Discuss the need for reviewing and revising the present system of LIS education and research in India?


Distinguish between Bibliographic, Documentation, Indexing and Abstructing services with examples for each? Explain the various steps involved in providing a documentation services on a current topic of your choice.


This section contents 3 questions of 15 marks each, each to be answered in about 300 words

(3) “Cutter is called the father of catalouging.” In the light of the statement, discuss his notable contribution in the field on catalouging?

(4) Explain the need and importance of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). Discuss its categories with suitable examples?

(5) What is an information System? Discuss any such system in the field of agriculture or nuclear science?


This section contents 9 questions of 10 marks each, each to be answered in about 50 words

(6) What do you understand by Dictionary, Glossary, Lexicon and Thesaurus? Explain by given example for each?

(7)  Explain the different kinds of arrangements Alphabetical, Subject wise and chronological. Give examples of specific reference sources wherein such arrangement have been used?

(8) State the importance of controlled vocabulary in organizing knowledge ?

(9) What is the Digital Object Identifier (DOI)?

(10) Discuss the purpose and objective of Literature Review in LIS research?

(11) What is Pilot Study? Discuss its importance in social science research?

(12) Explain Management Information System (MIS)? Distinguish between MIS and Decision Support System (DSS)?

(13) What do you understand by Performance Appraisal? Describe the various methods used for performance appraisal of library personnel?

(14) What are the different kinds of switching system?


This section contents a paragraph.


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