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Dear professionals,

After installing Koha latest version 18.11.05 we have faced a problem in enabling plugins. Its shows an error message as follows "Cannot unpack file to the plugins directory.
Please verify that the Apache user can write to the plugins directory.

*Screenshot attached with this

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The file should be in .kpz format to unpack the plugin in koha

My Suggestion Contact Indranil Das Gupta, L2C2 Technologies.


Mobile Number: +91-98300-20971

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To set up the Koha plugin system you must first make some changes to your install.

  • Change <enable_plugins>0<enable_plugins> to <enable_plugins>1</enable_plugins> in your koha-conf.xml file
  • Confirm that the path to <pluginsdir> exists, is correct, and is writable by the web server
  • Restart your webserver
  • Restart memcached if you are using it
  • modify the web server configuration (apache2) site-enable file and add the following line on line number 10 or above
ScriptAlias / "/var/lib/koha/mykoha/plugins/Koha/Plugin/Com/ByWaterSolutions/CoverFlow/" 
Alias /plugin "/var/lib/koha/mykoha/plugins"
# The stanza below is needed for Apache 2.4+
<Directory /var/lib/koha/mykoha/plugins>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Require all granted


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