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An appeal before koha users:
Majority of libraries use printed gate registers.Why cant we switch to an automated one?. Mr.Vimal Kumar of Mahatma Gandhi University Library,Kerala has suggested this in bugzilla in 2013.Read the bugzilla post -
Somebody has to write the script for that.It is assigned as an add-on bug in bugzilla. Everytime we are "consumers" of free features,can we go for "paid consumers" option for integrating the gate register feature in Koha. Biju Varghese of SH college Thevara,Kerala and Myself is ready to become partial sponsors.
Infact sponsoring for projects like Koha ILMS is not a new news.see the following link dated june 30 ,2015-thanks Giving Press release of ByWater Solutions for Bohdan Šmilauer, a librarian in Prague, for his contribution to the Professional Cataloging interface development for Koha”
It will not be a huge amount for sponsoring some person to write the code,libraries can share their contributions.I came to know that Indranil Das Gupta,the bug wrangler at Koha ILMS of is currently working for writing gate register script.
Kindly let me know any libraries wish to become the part of crowd funding
Jasimudeen S
-- Librarian
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