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Tell me about KOHA 3.4 and its applications.

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Koha 3.4.0 is a major feature release.
New features in 3.4.0
    * Can filter budgets by active status and date on the acquisitions
    * Freetext field added to specify one-off delivery addresses/comments
    * Can create multiple orders from a staged MARC file
    * New cronjob to delete old suggestions
    * Warning when ordering from an external source when a catalogue
      record already exists
    * Currency can be set when ordering
    * Many additional granular permissions are added
    * Ability to replace the favicon from within the admin interface
    * Ability to import and export MARC frameworks
    * Separate field for library state/province
    * WYSIWYG editor for Koha News
    * Ability to add news items to slips
    * Label batch edit interface allows entry of items by scanning
    * Can choose the MARC framework when importing records
    * NORMARC support added
    * Edits to Authority records are now logged
    * 005 field updated when a Biblio or Authority record is edited
    * Added edit record/edit items to the search result if logged in
      user has cataloguing privileges
    * Add support of record linking by record control number in $w
    * 006/008 plugins much improved
    * Callnumbers are displayed when an item is checked in
    * Waiting holds now show the date they were marked waiting
    * Show guarantees checkouts when checking out to a guarantor and vice versa
    * Show holds waiting for a patron on check in
    * New report wizard for Holds
    * Syspref to disable the ability for borrowers to choose their
      pickup library for holds
    * Self Checkout supports login
    * Ability to set 'hard' due dates, which will not allow items to
      be checked out past that
    * Printed receipts can now include the library phone, address and
      other fields
    * Fast Add framework at circulation
    * Ability to define due dates in the past
    * Checkin page now lists fines owed by patron
    * Preferences for defining the fine level when a staff
      override is needed
    * Search to Hold feature
    * New system preference added to allow the librarians to hide
      items from the OPAC.  See docs/opac/OpacHiddenItems.txt for
      more information.
    * Authority display improved in OPAC
    * Allow the patron to choose which library they wish to make a
      purchase suggestion for
    * Added the ability to hide the name of a reviewer/commenter in
      the OPAC
    * CSS/HTML and other UI improvements
    * Lists respect the XSLT bibliograhic display preferences
    * Truncation of facets now controllable by a system preference
    * Can use 856$u to store an image URI which Koha can then display in the OPAC
    * User can renew multiple items at once
    * A new librarian-controlled column added to the 'My Summary' page on the OPAC
    * Recent comments view for the OPAC (allow users to see recently reviewed items)
    * Feature to make the OPAC private (allow only logged in users to search/view items)
    * Ability to edit what displays when no results are found
    * Privacy feature allowing the user to specify when their reading
      (or circulation) records are anonymised
    * opacstylesheet can link to a url anywhere, not just a local file
    * Separate field for state/province
    * Ability to duplicate a Patron
    * Print overdue and hold notices for patrons without email addresses
    * Run a report immediately after creation
    * The list of saved reports has pagination and can be sorted
    * SQL formatting improvements when viewing a report
    * Parameters can be set in guided reports
    * NoZebra mode is officially deprecated.
    * Added shelf location to the indexes
    * Added a search link for analytics to serial records
    * Subjects can now search complete subfields
    * MARC21 tag 751 (geographical entry) is now searchable
    * UNIMARC EAN/UPC/Music fields added to the indices
    * usecontrolnumber syspref allows you to link the 78X fields to
      other names of the same serial
    * 50 bugs fixed in serials management 5508
    * Enumchron added to the biblio detail page
    * Improvements to suggestion management
    * Can use 856$u to store an image URI which Koha can then display in
      the staff interface.
    * Cart is emptied when a user logs out
    * IntranetUserCSS preference added to allow styling of staff interface
    * New icon set for itemtypes (Nimes)
    * LibLime kids iconset resized to consistent size
    * Seshat itemtype iconset added (Naropa College)
    * CSS classes added to the XSLT results to enable styling
    * New initialization SQL files for Norwegian
    * Koha now uses Template::Toolkit rather than HTML::Template::Pro
    * Improvements to test case coverage
    * .packages file for Ubuntu Maverick
    * Testing using Test::Perl::Critic
    * CGI::Session can now be stored in Memcached
    * mod_deflate added to save bandwidth
    * Move items out of biblioitems
    * Script to update all items and biblio
    * Script to set and get system preferences from the command line

basu dpl


Where is the link to installation guide to Koha 3.4 on Ubuntu

We cant tell you its benefits within few words.

As a librarian you must use your information grabbing skills for this purpose.

Everything regarding Koha Home page

See the site




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