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Two day Workshop on Koha on 14-15 December 2024. at KLA Head Quarters, Room No. 36, II Floor, Kairalie Plaza Annexe, Karamana–Killippalam NH, Karamana PO, Thiruvananthapuram–695002. Kerala

December 14, 2024 to December 15, 2024
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KELPRO BULLETIN (ISSN 0975-4911) a bi-annual journal in Library & Information Science Published by



Since 1997, through 18 volumes, Kelpro Bulletin has been a leader among scholarly journals in

Library & Information Science in India. As part of its strategy to encourage budding LIS professionals Kelpro Bulletin is announcing a call for “Best Student Paper 2015”. This competition supports Kelpro Bulletin’s goal of publishing the best articles from the next generation of Library and Information Science professionals. For details, see the attachment. 


The theme is “Library websites and Portals”. Research paper should address the significant issues facing todays Librarians, Information Scientists and Faculty members on the above topic. Case studies, best practices and pure research papers are welcome. The sub themes are given below:

 1. Design and Development - Standards and Practices, Creation and maintenance of dynamic library websites and portals, Content management and content providers.

2. Web based services and tools: Sharing of resources and services, Database search, Instant Messaging and Virtual Reference Desks, Web based user education tools and information literacy services.

3. Evaluation of Web content: Social media and Web 2.0, Social informatics

4. Case studies: Library websites and portals of various types of libraries - Public/Academic/Special/Other types - best practices.

5. Websites and Portals as hub of knowledge and information services


Three prizes will be given in this competition of the Best Student Paper-2015

First Prize - The author of the Best Student Paper will be honoured with a cash prize of Rs.10,000/-  a Certificate of Merit and free subscription of KELPRO Bulletin for 2 years.

 Second & Third Prize - The author of the second & third Best Student paper will be given a Certificate  of Merit and free subscription of KELPRO Bulletin for 2 years. (In case joint author paper winning the award, the prize money will be shared equally)


Students include Post-graduate, M. Phil and Research Scholars in LIS, below the age of 40 years are invited to submit high quality research papers to this competition. Single author/joint author (maximum 2 authors) paper are invited.


Due date of submission: 28th February 2015

Paper should be submitted in CD format done in MS Word together with a printed copy.  Also electronic submission to:

.Manuscript should be send to

Dr. S. Humayoon Kabir, Editor, KELPRO Bulletin, Post Box No.

5543, University P. O., Thiruvananthapuram - 695034, Kerala.

(C/o Associate Professor, Dept. of Library and Information Science, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 034, Kerala).


A certificate showing the details of enrolment of the student from the Head of the LIS Department. ™ Proof of Date of Birth of the student (attested true copy).                                                                       ™ Declaration stating that the paper is an original work of mine and has not been published in any  journal/book or presented in any seminar/ conference.

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Dear Mr. Suresh,

Its a good initiative started by KELPRO BULLETIN which will help our infokids to read a lot and write something good. This sort of practice should be followed in different universities to boost-up the students to remain updated with recent environments..

Best wishes,

Ajit P


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