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        Among all library professionals present in LIS forum please share their views and opinion about the job experience and job environment in DRDO. Any one who are working as STA-B or other posts in DRDO please share their views about the job experience and facilities provided by them. Recently I have selected as STA-B in DRDO, so i can not decide whether to take the job or to quit the job as I am now working as a librarian in a higher secondary school with pay scale 7100-37600 with grade pay 3900 and posted in my home town. In DRDO scale pay of STA-B is 9300-34800 with G.P 4200. I am also doing my Phd in Vidyasagar University and NET/JRF qualified. So what should be best to me to quit the job or accept the new job.

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Dear sri Munesh Kumar.

I must convey thanks to you for expressing your logic openly. I understand that my statement might have hurt Ms. Dimple as well. But as I understand, for every selection process, a panel is prepared and the top names from the panel are offered appointment and if any selected candidate does not join, then, the offer goes to the immediate next one in the panel. In this sense,  it is rather unlikely  that the exercise of repeating the whole process needs to be done! For an organization like DRDO I am quite sure that they make panel because it is under the rules.

I became quite perplexed to learn about Ms. Dimple's experience. I had been a member of a fairly good number of selection committees both in Govt. & private organizations.and believe me, I have never found a single instance where the selection process was cancelled as some selected candidate refused the offer. As I can recall, in a couple of such occasions, candidates were selected from  others in the panel.

I completely agree with your comments about mental preparedness. I must be sure about which jobs I do not attempt. For me, I never considered myself suitable for teaching post and thus never accepted offers for Lecturers' post in Universities while I was forced to apply because of persuasion from my teachers & seniors! I was afraid (& still I am) that I can not become so much academic as I seen my teachers were! So the mindset is certainly important so as to understand which one I don't want to try. I must admit that in our days (some 30-35 years ago), the employment scenario in our profession were certainly different. It was not that jobs were abundant but pass outs were also quite limited. I know plenty of my seniors with B.Lib. easily joined Central Schools while as you must have noticed the prevailing situation today in this forum itself!! So as you can see, the choice has become extremely restricted and the market has become so competitive. A highly promising STA working in a national research Lab scarifying 8 years' service to join as a College Librarian some 100 K.M. away in a suburb town only because of UGC pay scales & ACPs!! As I asked him why does he want to join in a place where he will not get job satisfaction for a single day and have to travel for two & half ours each way everyday!! His reply was trim and is only because of better Payscales and career prospects. I had to wait 7 solid years to get the post of STA from TA, and this way when I will reach the scale of Technical Officer E1, I will be on the verge of retirement; here I will get that scale within next 5 years if I do my Ph.D. or 7 years if I don't!! He regularly applied for teaching post, Asst. University Librarian post and post in research institutes in similar pay scales and ended up as a College Librarian. So you see that the choice varies according to our needs & goals.

You have stressed upon the issue of pre calculation but unless one gets a job, all such pre calculations are like building castles in the air.

You have explained your points in the backdrop of social issues but when a person goes jobless, what society and the nation does for him/her? You very rightly commented about the need of "self" and prioritized  the concept of "self" if it does not affect the society adversely but I have experienced an interview for University Librarian where the candidate (who was among "None found Suitable" candidates twice in the same university in consecutive two interviews in previous 3 years!!) was selected within SEVENTEEN SECONDS!! was it not a crime against the eligible candidates and the society? If the selectors have the liberty to play with the prospects of the eligible candidates, I openly declare that the successful candidates have equal right to play with the employers.


Siddhartha Shankar Ray, Calcutta

Respected Sir,

In front of you, I am nothing, just like a kid in both the perspectives, professional and social. I am not having anything to say against to your points, but I would like to mention only, “We must plan earlier before execution of task, it is most important, proven true/fact and master key to the success”. I have few points to ask not from you only but from each of our democratic setup; “who is society? Who is nation? Who are the responsible behind a jobless? And what is my/your contribution behind in it?  I think we not should not encourage anyone play against to each-other; employees and employers. Here, at, there are many senior professional including you, who has been part of recruiters, I would request them to tell/answer openly at this public platform, why they agrees on “Non-found suitable” instead of recommending a normal candidate. If a candidate is not suitable means, that particular university and teachers all should know that their students are not suitable and the panel of recruiters must justify how and why?

Thanking you…

Dear Sri Munesh Kumar,

Every time I go through your post, I can smell the vibrant spirit of freshness & youth. On the eve of our 69th Independence Day, your sense of Nationalism and devotion to our motherland really touched my heart; God bless you.

Regarding your proposal of pre-planning, I completely agree to it. You might have noticed that in my first post to your response I have quoted the old proverb "Look Before You Leap" I have also explained my own philosophy of places where I opted not to apply.

Regarding the Selection Committee and roles of professionals, These are sort of complex issue. There are organizations which function according to the "wish" (read whims) of their top administrations. Besides, there are political pressure or dictum which engulfed West Bengal Academia for past four decades.Of course there were exceptions. Many members were accommodated in the committees not by means of their knowledge but by "connections" as such, quite naturally, they are supposed to act as Yes Man only. A section of our professionals are no exception as well. I feel sad when I see that some extremely capable professionals too compromised for personal benefit. It is certainly not that they could not do anything by their own worth but the reality was had they been straight, they would have been deprived of their legitimate dues. (like some incapable individual would have been made his/her boss superseding him/her and the s/he would have been harassed under one pretext or another) Earlier I have narrated about the incident of selection in University Library in 17 seconds! So everybody can understand how the system functions! That is why I have raised the question of Society and the liberty. That is why I have mentioned that if  employers can play why not the employees.

I am amused to notice that Mr. Samanta has withdrawn himself from this discourse presumably because he wants to keep himself away from controversy!! As a young person he might have not expected that his post may raise such debates and  felt amiss!!


Siddhartha S. Ray, Calcutta

Thank You Sir,

I also wish You (and to each member of our family, a very Happy and Memorable Independence Day.



Munesh Sir,

I am agree with your statement, all the consequences should be checked before applying anywhere. if for small small reason u were not accepting your job then u should not apply for the same. I suffer from this pain two times. it was not in govt. but a good institute. One more experience lady working in very reputed institute come for the interview, in last round we both are selected and one is going to get the offer. that time final decisions was she has been selected and doesn't accept job. that time i feel so bad and lost that if she was not there then i will be a person who will be getting job in one of the good organization. so this issues might suffer by others... who are not getting.


Dear Ms. Dimple

I understand your agony.

But don't loose heart. I am telling you you will go long.

Prepare yourself for the long race; I may not be in the world that day but keep faith upon your ability and keep in mind that precious things are not for everyone. That Organization did not deserve you. I am sure and I pray to God almighty to bestow you with a befitting prospective job.


Siddhartha S. Ray, Calcutta

Thank You ma'am

for your valuable response...

Respected Siddhartha Sir,

Thank you very much for the wonderful blessing. I can not stop my self by sharing that your blessing touch at the bottom of my heart and can not stop my eyes with tears. And surely you are there between us at that time, because all LIS community need mentor like you.


I agree with the Siddhartha sir's statement that if a selected candidate do not accept the job, it's immediate candidate will get the job. sir when i got news that, that selected candidate was not accepting job, i was waiting for call but they hire her husband for that post instead of her. isn't it unbelievable. 

There is also tendency in recruiters mind that a female candidate does not migrate or they does not travel long, so although we are eligible, i am not getting opportunity.

In two cases i was experiencing that recruiters are getting every information regarding working and current trends in libraries in the form of interview question from the eligible candidate and then hire freshers with less salary. At that time one thought definitely comes as immediate effect that do i am less caliber that  people are not hiring me. But the second though to explain our mind is that they are not capable to get eligible  employees.


I personaly think it is an individual choice, whether to opt for a job or not after selection. Because as said by Siddhartha Sir it depends on lot of things, starting from your personality to what you want to become under all these circumstances. Eventhough your priorities may get changed in between with situations like finance, distance, job-comfort, family…etc that you couldn’t control, because that is what life is; sometimes we have to flow with that to make things right.

In my short experience I have also tried lot of posts, still I am applying outside. With age and responsibilities my priorities are also changing. It may depend on my personality upto some level, but from my experience, rejecting a job offer will not that much put other candidates to suffer. In DRDO also, if one candidate rejects they will select the next eligible. Do consider that you will not get easy transfer to your native, unless there is a mutual opportunity. So Dyuti, don’t worry, Do what your judgment says from all these comments and your research. Again DRDO is not remotely palced, most of the DRDOs are in cities and it keeps privacy with the luxury of area available to it. DRDOs are providing an excellent atmosphere for research and work, that I think is unique for it. Yes of course there is a lot of misuse of these freedom from the employees, that might be because they don’t know why they are having that much freedom or facilities. Actually it (facilities and Freedom) was designed to nourish the research atmosphere and thus creativity at a higher level, but at some level people are not understanding that and on the other hand misusing it for personal purposes. Leave that to them, here the thing is that it is completely wise to get an opinion at this stage of your selection, because sometimes we have choices, late understanding about an institute and its policies (while actually when we personally visit the institute for interview and converse with their staff…)…etc. Think reversely you are absolutely sure that this is the institute you are most suitable and your abilities can dramatically change its services and status of the institute for good, even after that the institute selects a different candidate, who are by any means suitable for that institute, then how is it going to help the society, by your thinking? So it is sometimes luck not only for the candidate but also for the institute.

Again about qualification, I don’t think by getting an Extra Degree we are going to uplift the quality benchmark of our services. Not all extra qualified employees are knowledgeable at least in his/her basic field. So in my opinion, even though it is an attendant post all those unemployed, overqualified people should apply for that post, unless it is mentioned that over qualification is a disqualification. Because, first of all we are living in India and secondly let the service at that level get improved. Later when they see a more appropriate post, apply for that. Sometimes that lower level post will teach you valuable life lessons that your extra qualification cannot teach you through years, and that experience will help you inculcate those values to your services and get extra status. Let that energy flow through your veins and serve the society by being empathetic.

Again DRDOs Technical Information Centers are Special Libraries, so its collection, services, staff and users all will be working towards achieving the organization goals. Its facilities will be different from IIM, IIT libraries even the freedom of staff. Your promotion will depend on how you perform with those facilities, consistent continuous education programs and freedom. You may get a small grade pay (4200) as compared to university professor or assistant librarian, but you will be satisfied if you understand the atmosphere and again with your freedom you are eligible to apply for other posts outside drdo, there will be nobody to pull you back.

For a better world

Subeesh A C


Nice one sir.

It would be "one of a best and detailed narration of setup (DRDO) by its employee". It is really helpful for the entire aspirant those who wants to make their carrier in libraries of DRDO. Generally from outside of the boundary, it can’t be known about the internal factors; environment, culture, nature of work, etc. except explicit evidences. It is right, that grade is little lesser there than the other positions but, it will be quite be helpful for an individual, if they understand the environment of culture.

thanking you


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