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Beginning of assessment in GDGWS PYP Library

Educational assessment is the process of documenting knowledge, skills, attitudes, and beliefs and assessment for students increases their motivation and “deepens quality of learning.”(Harada, 2006)Assessment makes students more self directed in their learning. Assessment for librarians is useful to gives direction to reading, writing and research skills of users and informs purposeful teaching. Assessment also allows for more differentiated instruction and personalized feedback. Without taking part in the grading of student achievement, the work of library media specialists is relegated to “nice by not necessary.”~Allison Zmuda, 2006.

G D Goenka World School PYP Library started with assessing students on the bases of reading, writing and research skills on the basis of following descriptors.

  1. Predicts confidently what the book might be about
  2. Listens appropriately for a sustained length of time
  3. Recognizing difference between fiction & non fiction
  4. Responds to questions about title, author and story
  5. Demonstrates potential in independent reading
  6. Uses appropriate text related terms like texts, character, illustrator, settings etc.
  7. Can read consistently to obtain specific information from print and media resources.
  8. Understands how nonfiction texts are organized in library
  9. Identifies a familiar genre and is able to think about the main features of the text.
  10. Can locate, process, organize & present information by using print and media resources.


Attached file is a part of e report card of a student of GDGWS, India.


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