IIT Delhi Central Library proudly announces the FREE ENROLMENT to its popular 16 Weeks MOOCs Course EMERGING TRENDS and TECHNOLOGIES IN LIBRARY and INFORMATION SERVICES (ETTLIS-ARPIT) for the Session 2020-21 (Details at: https://onlinecourses.swayam2.ac.in/arp20_ap28/preview) .
The Enrolment will remain open from today, i.e. 20 Nov. to 10 Dec. 2020. The End Date of the Course is proposed to be 31 March, and the Final Exam will be on 30 April 2021 (subject to change as per the ARPIT). The Course is Targeted for Post Graduate LIS Professionals and is equivalent to One Full Refresher Course (Faculty Development Program-FDP) as per the UGC Notification No. https://www.ugc.ac.in/pdfnews/4803089_UGC-Letter-reg-ARPIT.pdf
However, anyone from the globe with interest in the contents, may join. The course will have about 20 hours of video contents from domain experts and about 20 hours of non-video contents.
70% weightage will be for Term End Exam, to be conducted by NTA and 30% for Internal Assessments. People joining from outside the country can appear in the exam from India only. Discussion Forum will be available to answer the Queries. Certificate and Marksheet will be issued after successful completion of the course as per the ARPIT requirements.