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what is facet analysis?

how can we understand it is easily...

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The answer to your second question is similar to the answer to the question "how can we understand 'algebra'  or   "abstract algebra" easily.

The process / procedure for learning "facet analysis" is not different from that one uses to learn "algebra", but of course easier.

Start with "Elements of Library classification" by SRR. Follow the steps in the postulational approach for atleast 100 assorted titles. Then look at the examples in Prolegomena and do facet analysis of another 400 titles. You may skip some of the intermediate steps now. Please note you must know the technical meaning  of each and every word in the titles you analyse and their role / function, other wise you cannot identify the Fundamental Categories. You must also have clear idea of the role of each of the concepts in the titles. You have to check with an expert for those you have difficulty. Then when you look at any tile and know the meaning of the terms in it, automatically you will recognize their categories and put the title as a facet analysed title skipping all the intermediate steps. I know some mathematicians who after reading the algebraic problem straight write down the final answer. I have also came across such professional experts in facet Analysis. Deva


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