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Converting Library of Congress Classification (LCC) Numbers to Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) Numbers : Need Help

I am in search of a platform that whould retrieve the DDC numbers for a book, when we entered the LOC numbers into it. Is there any such platform available over the web? My purpose is very simple. The LOC holds a great number of books in each and every subject areas, even in the regional languages and then assigned a LOC number to it. But in our library we follow the DDC system and we have a massive collection that are also available over the LOC. So if by somehow we can convert the LOC numbers into the DDC, the time spent on classifying a book can greatly be reduced.



For Example "Aspect of Social customs of the Bodos" by "Dr. K. Brahma" is available over Classify at . From this site, I can get its LCC number as "DS432.B63". Now my problem is how I can convert the "DS432.B63" number into DDC?

1. This book available over Worldcat at:

2. Classification Web at :


I am not very much aware about the following sites

3. ?


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It all means that we can convert Library of Congress Classification (LCC) Numbers to Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) Numbers if we use Classweb. Can I have the website of classweb and its annual pricing plan?

Thanks for the discussion.I want to know more about Classweb.Is the link is right?


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