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Call for the Book Chapter for Festschrift Volume in Honour of Dr. R.S. Rathore

Chapter submission deadline is extended for the Dr. R.S. Rathore Festschrift Volume Librarianship in Modern Era: Challenges and Opportunities” a book edited by vijay parashar & shivdan singh rajput till 15th june 2016.Call for the Book Chapter for Dr. R.S. Rathore Festschrift Volume

“Librarianship in Modern Era: Challenges and Opportunities”


Submission Deadline


30th May 2016


A Book Edited by

Vijay Parashar


Shivdan Singh Rajput


Dear Sir/Madam,


We have the enormous pleasure contentment to informing you that it has been decided to bring out a Festschrift volume under title: Librarianship in Modern Era: Challenges and Opportunities by the reputed publisher with ISBN in honour of Dr. R.S. Rathore, Librarian, Defense Laboratory, Jodhpur for his immense contribution and service to the field of Library and Information Science Education and Profession. The book will include invited papers of eminent Academician’s/Library Professionals and Scholars in the field. The dead line for submission of paper(s) is 30thMay 2016.

Recommended sections/topics/subtheme include to the following:


Emerging Technologies in Libraries and Information Services

  • Digital Libraries and Future
  • E –Resources Collection Development and Management
  • E-Human Resources Management
  • Institutional Repositories
  • Mobile Technology and Its Application in Library Services
  • New dimensions to Library services on the cloud computing
  • Role of social networking site for library services

 Leadership, Ethics and Accountability in LIS

  • Barriers to change management and library
  • Change Management Issues and Strategies for libraries
  • Ethics and professionalism in LIS
  • Ethics in copyright and intellectual property rights/ fair use
  • Leadership and management trait in LIS profession
  • Managerial skills for Librarians
  • New roles &identities for librarians
  • Strategizing leadership to bring about changes to work Ethics and to build accountability

LIS Profession: Growth, Development and Achievement

  • Changing Role of Libraries and information Professionals
  • Collaboration in library education, training and research at state and national level
  • Curriculum development in LIS education
  • Information Processing and Knowledge Organization
  • Problems and Prospects of LIS education in current scenario
  • Revamp LIS education, training and research facilities
  • Skill Development Issues in Library and Information Science

 Problems and Solutions of Libraries and LIS Professionals

  • Factors responsible for current status of  libraries and Library professionals
  • Job satisfaction in LIS Professionals
  • Library empowerment through library legislation
  • National Policy on Libraries and Information Systems and Services
  • Role of RRRLF for promotion of Public libraries
  • Status of Libraries and LIS Professionals in the Emerging Knowledge Society

 User Expectation, Experience in Modern Library System: Case studies

  • Data and Information Management in Virtual Organizations
  • E-Governance and Libraries
  • Enterprise Information Services by Libraries
  • Information Literacy, Digital Literacy ,E-Literacy, Electronic Learning
  • Public Library, Academic Library, Special Library
  • User Studies and Evaluation of Digital Library Systems and Applications.

Cloud computing for digital information Storage

  • Cloud Architecture
  • Virtual Learning Environment
  • Role of Cloud Librarians
  • Cloud Data Centers
  • Cloud Based Information Services
  • Cloud Libraries-Challenges and Issues

Submission Procedure:

LIS  Professionals,  researchers  and  practitioners  are  invited  to  submit  the  manuscript clearly explaining the mission and concerns on or before 30th  May 2016. Authors will be acknowledged immediately and the acceptance of the contribution will be notified till 15th June 2016. Authors may be required to help, if needed, in terms of proof, clarifications, etc. Manuscripts are accepted for consideration with the understanding that they are original and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Style manuals:

Submissions must follow the styles outlines in the Publication Manual of the APA.


All manuscripts should include an abstract of 150 words or less with maximum 5 keywords.

Author identification:

The complete title of the contribution and the name(s) of the author(s) should be only on the first sheet and the main text should begin on the same sheet. Complete contact information must be supplied for all  authors and co-authors, including full address and postal pin code, telephone, and e-mail address. The corresponding authors should be identified.


Manuscript should be typed on A-4 size paper, font- Ariel, double-spaced, with generous margins at top, bottom, and sides of page. In soft copy it should be in MS Word format. Sub-heads should be used at reasonable intervals to break the monotony of the text. Words and symbols to be italicized must be clearly indicated, by either italic type or underlining. Abbreviations and acronyms should be spelt out with its first occurrence, unless found a sentries in their abbreviated form in a standard dictionary. Pages should be numbered consecutively.



Manuscript should typically under 15 pages / 5000 words including the reference list.

Notes and reference:

Notes are for explanations or amplifications of textual material. They are distracting to the readers and expensive to set and should be avoided whenever possible. They should be typed as normal text at the end of the text section of the manuscript rather than as the part of the foot note or endnote feature of computer programme and should be numbered consecutively throughout the contribution.

A reference list should contain references that are cited in the text.  These should be accurate and complete.  Personal  communications  (letters,  memos,  telephone conversations) are cited in the text after the name with as exact a date as possible Examples of references to a book, a chapter in book, and journal article follow, formatted in APA style


Tables, Figures, and Illustrations:

Create tables, figure, and illustrations in their electronic files with their number. Figures and tables should be keyed to the text. The data in the text need not be described in such detail that tables become redundant. Figure captions should appear on a separate sheet, not on the original figures. One high quality, camera ready version of each figure must be submitted with the manuscript; photocopies may accompany the additional Manuscript copies. Compositors will typeset the tables.

Note 1: Generalized writings are not encouraged.

Note 2: Any doubt(s) regarding the sub themes of the proposed volume may be clarified preferably by e-mail before preparing the contribution.

Note 3: There should be nominal charges for hard copy of book.


Submissions can be forwarded electronically (soft copy) in MS Word document email to:


Contact us: Vijay Parashar: 9672999560, Shivdan Singh Rajput: 09414937019

Views: 531


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Dear sir,

pleses inform me what is the book chapter subminitation published fee



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