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Call for Papers: Mr. M. Ayub Felicitation Committee

We, Mr. M. Ayub felicitation Committee, are pleased to propose to bring out a festschrift edited volume in honor of Mr. M. Ayub, Chief Librarian, Farook College, Kozhikode, Kerala. Mr. Ayub is a dedicated Library Professional who has rendered envious services for the betterment of the profession in Kerala especially for the development of College libraries.  He is instrumental in developing the “Abussabah Library Complex” of Farook College, the best College Library under the University of Calicut.  He has made the Farook College Library such a hub and the role model for college libraries with a variety of collections and services.  He is the founder of first Library and Information Science School started in an affiliated college in the state of Kerala.


The proposed festschrift volume will include original papers, case studies and research articles in the various themes in Library & Information Science as described below. The proposed title of the volume “Redefining Academic Libraries in the Knowledge Society” will focus on how the needs of technologically empowered academic community are met by technologically empowered libraries and library professionals. This will include, but not limited to the below sub themes;

Libraries and Society

            Social Networking

            Role of Libraries in a Knowledge Society

            Libraries as Learning Space

            Library Services: New Paradigms

            Information Commons and the Libraries 

Human Resource

            Re-inventing the Role of Library Staff

            Competencies of Information Professionals

            New Skills for the New Age

            Continuing Education for Professional Development

Innovative Library Services

            Mobile technologies/devices for libraries

            Library mobile applications

            Creating mobile websites/ m-opac, SMS alerts etc

            Using social networks such as Facebook, twitter, blogs, wikis, RSS feeds     etc. for library services

            Publishing, editing and modifying content using content management systems       such as wordpress, joomla etc. Using open source e-learning applications     such as moodle.

            Best practices in Academic Libraries

            Marketing of Library Products in Academic Libraries


Collaborative Library Services

            New paradigms in networks and collaborations in libraries

            Collaborative acquisition and access management

            Collaboration systems and technologies

            Cloud based library services

            ILL and document delivery systems in digital environment

            Collaborative learning systems

            Impact of collaborative services : case studies


Open Access and Open Content

            Collection Library to Creation Library

            New generation of open source software: Impact on Library Services

            Open learning resources and learning content management System

            Multimedia enriched e-learning systems

            Standards and IPR issues

            Societal and cultural issues

            National and international projects on e-Learning and scholarly content     generation

            New Trends and developments


E-resource Management

            Institutional Repositories

            Digital Libraries

            E-resource consortium

            Library Portals

            Resource Discovery Services

Copyright Issues

            Indian Copyright Act 2012 Amendments and Libraries

            Licensed Electronic Resources

            Copyright and Pay-per-view Management

            Impact of Copyright and IPR on the free flow of Knowledge


The Organizing Committee solicits high quality research and technical papers, case studies, technology  updates, etc. related to the theme and sub-themes of the festschrift edited volume. The paper submitted should  have been neither published anywhere not kept under consideration for publication. All papers will go through a process of review and accepted papers will be published in the festschrift edited volume with ISBN. Correspondence will be made at or  The Organizing Committee  will have the right to edit the papers. The papers should be submitted not later than 15th November 2013, in electronic version as  mentioned below:


Format of Manuscript

            1. All papers should be typed on Microsoft Word-version.

            2. Paper size should be A4, Portrait of size 8.5" x 11" with Margins: 1”        (top & bottom); 1.5”  (left & right)

            3.All text should be typed in Arial or Times New Roman Font with size 12 and single-spaced.

            4 Headings and subheadings must be in Bold font, left justified and numbered according to  Level of heading as below:

                        1.  First Level Heading

                        1.1  Second Level Heading

                        1.1.1  Third Level Heading

            5.Header & Footer of font size 8.

            6.Use double space after the headings, before starting the next paragraph.

            7.Page Break can be given to give a logical end to a page.

            8.The main title of your paper must not exceed 50 characters. This   includes letters, spaces and  punctuation.

            9.Title should be followed by name, affiliation and address of the     Author(s)

            10.An abstract of length not more than 250 words should be supplied.

            11.Few keywords must be given after the abstract.

            12.Size of the paper to be kept within 5000 words.

            13.All papers must be accompanied by one passport size color photograph             together with a  brief CV.

            14.Illustrations such as photographs, charts, graphs, drawings, and   diagrams should be labelled, so that they correspond with their mention in     the text (e.g. Table-1, Figure-2, Diagram-3).

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