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Dr. Mohit Banerjee updated their profile
7 hours ago
M S M Shiham and Frank Morrison are now friends
13 hours ago
M S M Shiham updated their profile
13 hours ago
lavkush agrawal is attending Dr. U. Pramanathan's event

Two day Workshop on Koha on 14-15 December 2024. at KLA Head Quarters, Room No. 36, II Floor, Kairalie Plaza Annexe, Karamana–Killippalam NH, Karamana PO, Thiruvananthapuram–695002. Kerala

December 14, 2024 to December 15, 2024
Dec 10
KHRITISH SWARGIARY updated their profile
Dec 7
Hemanta Gogoi and CAROLINE SARAH are now friends
Dec 5
KHRITISH SWARGIARY posted a status
"What are you up to?"
Dec 5
Dec 3
Dr. U. Pramanathan joined Dr. Badan Barman's group
Dec 3
Profile IconRaghavendra P Inganal and Dr. U. Pramanathan joined Dr. Badan Barman's group
Dec 2
Saanvi Singh posted a status
"IIT Delhi Assistant Librarian Vacancy:"
Dec 2
Urvashi kaushik and Dr. U. Pramanathan are now friends
Dec 1
SIVA PAUL updated their profile
Nov 30
lavkush agrawal joined Dr. Badan Barman's group
Nov 29
lavkush agrawal is now friends with Karthikeyan C, mohammed muneer, rajesh shukla and sudeep gupta
Nov 29
lavkush agrawal updated their profile
Nov 29
Chandrashekhara N updated their profile
Nov 28
Dr. U. Pramanathan posted a discussion
Nov 28
Dr. U. Pramanathan posted events
Nov 28
Dr. U. Pramanathan posted blog posts
Nov 28

* ABET Adult Basic Education and Training 
* ACE Advanced Certificate in Education 
* ACNL Advisory Committee on the National Libraries 
* ACRL Association of College and Research Libraries 
* ACTAG Arts and Culture Task Group 
* AGM Annual General Meeting 
* ALASA African Library Association of South Africa 
* ANC African National Congress 
* BLINDLIB South African Library for the Blind 
* CALICO Cape Library Consortium 
* CEO chief executive officer 
* CEPD Center for Education Policy Development 
* CEPD Continuing Education and Professional Development 
* CHE Council on Higher Education 
* CHEC Cape Higher Education Consortium 
* CHELSA Committee for Higher Education Librarians in South Africa 
* CICD Center for Information Career Development 
* CNENSA Cape Non-European Night Schools Association 
* CNLSA Conference of National Librarians of Southern Africa 
* COLIS Community Library and Information Services 
* COMLA Commonwealth Library Association 
* COSALC Coalition of South African Library Consortia 
* DAC Department of Arts and Culture 
* DACST Department of Arts, Culture, Science and Technology 
* EAC East African Community 
* ECHEA Eastern Cape Higher Education Association 
* EFA Education for All 
* ELITS Education Library Information and Technology Services 
* ESAL Eastern Seaboard Association of Libraries 
* ESATI Eastern Seaboard Association of Tertiary Institutions 
* ESI Ecole des Sciences de l’Information 
* ETD electronic theses and dissertations 
* FOTIM Foundation of Tertiary Institutions of the Northern Metropolis 
* FPASA Fire Protection Association of Southern Africa 
* FRELICO Free State Library and Information Consortium 
* FSHETT Free State Higher and Further Education and Training Trust 
* FULSA Forum for University Librarians in South Africa 
* GAELIC Gauteng and Environs Library Consortium 
* GCIS Government Communication and Information System 
* GIS geographic information system
* HAI historically advantaged institution 
* HDI historically disadvantaged institution 
* HEI higher education institution 
* HEQC Higher Education Quality Committee 
* HELIG Higher Education Libraries Interest Group 
* HSRC Human Sciences Research Council 
* IASL International Association of School Librarianship 
* ICT information and communication technology 
* ICTLIG Information and Communications Technology in Libraries 
* IDRC International Development Research Center 
* IFLA International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions 
* IGBIS Interest Group for Bibliographic Standards 
* ILE information literacy education 
* INASP International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications 
* IRC information resource center 
* ISAP Index to South African Periodicals 
* ISASA Independent Schools Association of South Africa 
* ISBN International Standard Book Number 
* ITU International Telecommunication Union 
* IULC Inter-University Library Committee 
* IWG Inter ministerial Working Group 
* JCM Joint Catalog of Monographs 
* KZN KwaZulu-Natal 
* LACIG Library Acquisitions Interest Group 
* LIASA Library and Information Association of South Africa 
* LIS library and information science/services/studies 
* LISDESA Libraries and Information Services in Developing South Africa 
* LiSLIG LIASA Special Libraries Interest Group 
* LISSCO Library and Information Services of Science Councils 
* LIWO Library and Information Workers Organisation 
* MEDLIG Medical Libraries Interest Group 
* MiET Media in Education Trust 
* MPCC Multipurpose Community Center 
* NAC National Arts Council 
* NACLI National Advisory Council for Libraries and Information
* NARS National Archives and Records Service 
* NCLIS National Council for Library and Information Services 
* NECC National Education Coordinating Committee 
* NEPAD New Partnership for Africa’s Development 
* NEPI National Education Policy Investigation 
* NGO non-governmental organisation 
* NHC National Heritage Council 
* NITF National Information Technology Forum 
* NLAC National Library Advisory Council 
* NLSA National Library of South Africa
* NOHIM National Oral History and Indigenous Music 
* NRF National Research Foundation 
* NTCA National Telecommunications Cooperative Association 
* OBE outcomes-based education 
* OCLC Online Computer Library Center 
* OPAC Online Public Access Catalog 
* OPD Official Publications Depository 
* OSALL Organisation of South African Law Libraries 
* PACLIG Public and Community Libraries Interest Group 
* PaCLISA Public and Community Libraries Inventory of South Africa 
* PASA Publishers’ Association of South Africa 
* PICC Print Industries Cluster Council 
* PISAL Periodicals in Southern African Libraries 
* PiT Public Information Terminal 
* RDP Reconstruction and Development  Programme 
* RETIG Research, Education and Training Interest Group 
* RFID radio frequency identification device 
* RNCS Revised National Curriculum Statement 
* SABA South African Booksellers’ Association 
* SABEC Southern African Book Exchange Center 
* SABIB South African Bibliography 
* SABINET South African Bibliographic and Information Network
* SaCAT South African National Catalog 
* SACMEQ Southern and Eastern African Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality 
* SADC Southern African Development Community 
* SAHRA South African Heritage Resources Agency 
* SAILIS South African Institute for Library and Information Science 
* SAIS Southern African Inter lending Scheme 
* SALA South African Library Association 
* SALC South African Library Conference 
* SALLP South African Library Leadership Programme 
* SANB South African National Bibliography 
* SANCB South African National Council for the Blind 
* SANLIC South African National Library Consortium 
* SANRIC South African National Research Information Consortium 
* SAOUG Southern African Online User Group 
* SASLI South African Site Licensing Initiative 
* SCECSAL Standing Conference of East, Central and Southern Africa 
* SCHELIS Standing Committee of Heads of Education Library and Information Services 
* SEALS South Eastern Alliance of Library Systems 
* SLA Special Libraries Association 
* SLIG Special Libraries Interest Group 
* SLIS Special Libraries and Information Services
* SLYSIG School Library and Youth Services Interest Group 
* SOMAFCO Solomon Mahlangu Freedom College 
* TAAA Together with Africa and Asia Association 
* TEC Transitional Executive Committee 
* UCT University of Cape Town 
* UCTD Union Catalog of Theses and Dissertations 
* ULIS Unification of Library and Information Stakeholders 
* UNESCO United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation 
* UNISA University of South Africa 
* UP University of Pretoria 
* USA United States of America 
* USA Universal Service Agency 
* USAASA Universal Service and Access Agency of South Africa 
* UWC University of the Western Cape 
* UZKN University of KwaZulu-Natal 
* WGNL Working Group on the National Libraries of South Africa 
* WLIC World Library and Information Congress

Views: 482

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check the spellings in original file and talk to me ex.centre --center


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